Dutch Blockchain Rocks!



We bring you podcasts about blockchain projects in the Netherlands.


  • Copernicus-project

    11/01/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    Deze Nederlandstalige aflevering van BlockRock gaat over een project van Maarten Smakman, namelijk een glazen bol met daarin een Rasberry Pi. Deze bol is meer dan een bol van glas. Copernicus is een zoektocht naar het omgaan met blockchains, tokens, waarde en nog veel meer. Zie ook: https://isitcopernicus.art/ https://medium.com/@joera/is-it-copernicus-birth-of-the-mvp-1e432717f037

  • WordProof: Let's fix the broken web, together! Interview with Sebastiaan van der Lans. Ep. 24

    10/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    An inspirational talk with Sebastiaan van der Lans in his home in the center of Amsterdam. We talked about how WordProof can be used to fix the (broken) Internet. WordProof provides a layer of trust for content and manages to have impact by a massive reach. You might also want to learn how WordProof can help search engines to serve us better. If this is not enough, Learn how they were granted 1.000.000 euro by the EU! Sebastiaan van der Lans has a big heart for open source. In 2006 he co-founded Amsterdam’s first WordPress agency ‘Van Ons’, which is a leading digital agency now, serving over 100M page views a year. In 2019, Sebastiaan founded WordProof, the winner of Europe’s 'Blockchains for Social Good’ contest. Sebastiaan has a strong passion for improving the playing fields of publishing, SEO, and e-commerce. Solutions by his teams are actively being used by over 100.000 organizations. Let’s fix the broken web, together! https://blockrock.nl | https://wordproof.io

  • Interview with Electra: ECA Foundation chairman Robert Bakker. Blockrock ep. 23

    03/07/2020 Duration: 44min

    Bart was happy to talk with Robert Bakker in Katwijk aan Zee about Electra. Electra is a global open-source blockchain project for fast and secure peer-to-peer payments at low fees. We talked about how it started, ElectraPay and POS solutions, ECA on exchanges, the promise of DEXes, and of course their latest achievement with product tracking on fresh Oysters! You can't miss this one. You can hear the cozy setting in Wantveld beach club in Katwijk aan Zee. Enjoy! https://electraproject.org/ | https://www.huitres-courdavault-alain.com/ | https://atomicdex.io/ | https://blockrock.nl/

  • Interview with ‘PieDAO’, lead developer Mick de Graaf. Blockrock ep. 22

    18/06/2020 Duration: 17min

    Bart was happy to talk with Mick de Graaf in Rotterdam about PieDAO. With PieDAO you can already diversify your BTC or USD position on the Ethereum blockchain and thereby reduce your risk holding these assets. The team is also developing a Ray Dalio style diversified portfolio, a portfolio that keeps you safe in all weather. Who wouldn't want that? And imagine all the possibilities for future 'pies'! They are only just beginning, this is what decentralized finance (DeFi) is about. Bart talked with Mick in a somewhat crowded, but cozy bar, hope you can manage the noise because it's a 'must-hear' episode. https://piedao.org/#/ | https://blockrock.nl